Triangle Fraternity
A fraternity of engineers, architects, and scientists

About us


The purpose of Triangle shall be to maintain a fraternity of engineers, architects and scientists. It shall carry out its purpose by establishing chapters that develop balanced men who cultivate high moral character, foster lifelong friendships, and live their lives with integrity.

University of Washington Triangle

Formed in 2017, our group is the only STEM exclusive social fraternity at the UW Seattle campus. Our aim as a chapter is to promote academic growth and increase social interactions between the different STEM fields, thereby encouraging interdepartmental relations between both the well known and lesser known STEM fields.

In compliance with Sam's Law, the University of Washington chapter of Trianlge Fraternity has no record of investigation or police violation within the past 5 years.

Interested in Rushing?

Learn more about rushing Triangle and what that entails on our rush page!

Rush Triangle


Where are we located?

At the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. Go Huskies!

What is a fraternity and why would I want to join one?

A fraternity is a group of men who share a bond of brotherhood. First and foremost, a fraternity is a tight knit community, which can be hard to find as you first come to college. Joining a fraternity means having access to a fun, social environment for your whole college career.

What makes Triangle different from other fraternities?

Triangle is the only social fraternity exclusive to STEM and architecture majors and one of the two non-Greek fraternities on campus. Triangle offers an alternative fraternity experience, with an emphasis on supporting each other and building our own community with traditions new and old.

How will joining Triangle affect my academics?

Given that STEM and Architecture are both very challenging programs at UW, academics are a strong priority. We ensure and expect brothers to succeed academically. We keep track of what classes our brothers are taking and can pair brothers in the same classes to study. We also have experienced older brothers to help tutor students. We care about our brother’s academics and are always making sure that everyone gets the support they need to succeed.

How do I join?

Come to one of the events on our rush page or contact us at Check out our Instagram page to see what we've been up to!

Is there a live-in requirement if I join?

No, but we collectively rent out a house close to UW that is highly encouraged for members to live at. Rent prices tend to be cheaper at the house than at apartments or via school housing. The chapter house is in a great neighborhood close to campus, larger room sizes, and more. This is also where most brotherhood events occur throughout the year! There are no fees if you do not want to live in this house, unlike at some other groups on campus.

Do we haze?

No, we do not haze. We believe hazing is morally wrong. Our goal is to better our brothers, not subject them to abuse. Triangle has no tradition of hazing and we never intend to change that. With this in mind, we'd be excited to see you come to our events and get to know us! But remember, the choice to attend and stay is always yours. If you ever feel uncomfortable at one of our events, please don't be afraid to talk to one of our members about it!

What are your Greek letters?

Triangle is one out of a few fraternities that does not use greek letters. We use the delta T as our symbol.

Executive Board

Meet our officers

Jacob Faulk

Jacob Faulk


Jacob is a third-year chemical engineering student from Mill Creek, WA, and is the Chapter President. In his role, Jacob oversees the Executive Board which carries out the day-to-day operations of the fraternity. Outside of his responsibilities, he enjoys traveling, hanging out with friends, and playing baseball and tennis.

Danny Muir

Danny Muir

Vice President

Danny is a second-year student from Bainbridge Island, WA, and the current Vice President. As Vice President, he is responsible for maintaining the internal aspects of the chapter by holding the roles of Academic Chair, Social Chair, Historian Chair, Webmaster Chair, as well as being one of the New Member Educators and overseeing the Event Committee. He intends to major in electrical and computer engineering with a focus on neurotechnology. In his free time, Danny enjoys biking, lifting, swimming, kayaking, and all things active and outdoors, as well as exploring his curiosity through endless research and tinkering.

Forest Gray

Forest Gray

Philanthropy Chair

Forest is a third-year Chemistry student from Tacoma, WA, and is the current Philanthropy Chair. In his role, Forest communicates with his community in order to schedule volunteering events and other philanthropic events. In his free time, Forest enjoys hiking, running, and playing Skyrim.

Eli Gold

Eli Gold

Recruitment Chair

Eli is a second-year from Arlington, VA, and is the Recruitment Chair this year. In his position, Eli is responsible for maintaining the quality of the chapter by connecting high-quality students to the organization that has been so invaluable to his own college experience. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar, working out, exploring the Seattle area, and hanging out with friends.

Noah McMahon

Noah McMahon


Noah is a fourth-year statistics & data science student from Los Angeles, CA. As the Treasurer, Noah collects dues and manages the budget of the fraternity. In his free time, Noah plays videogames, bikes around Seattle, and plays DnD.

Brother of the Quarter

Jacob Faulk

Jacob Faulk

Eta Class, Recruitment Vice President

Congratulations to Jacob for winning the Brother of the Quarter Award! As soon as Jacob became a member in the Fall of 2022 as a part of our Eta Class, he has consistently maintained a high level of passion and impact on the well-being of our chapter, and has helped consult on both short and long-term strategies. As a recently elected RVP, Jacob has already executed a successful recruitment season and continues to play a large role in the chapter's expansion over the summer.

When not working hard, he's a great person to kick back and relax with, and always ready to crack a joke. We are excited to recognize Jacob for his success in embodying the character and values of a true leader within Triangle. Thank you!

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